Saturday, July 28, 2012

She Grew up in an Indiana Town

"Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end: then stop." -Alice in Wonderland.

I suppose I should have started with an "about me." What do you say about yourself? I never know. I hate this part of job interviews, but I suppose that a lot of people do.

I never scored a winning basket for my high school basketball team. I never got to be the head cheerleader. I never gave a riveting valedictorian speech at graduation. Hell, I never even graduated. I'm really nobody. I grew up in a lame town in Northern Indiana, not even remotely close to towns that cool people came from like John Mellancamp or Axl Rose. I have a love/hate feeling for my hometown. Corn and highway is about all there is to the place. It's like Florida. People go there to retire.... Or die. The kids in my town are bored 90% of the time which leads to a lot of babies having babies and small time crime. I can proudly say: I am the only one of my friends that never went to juvie and was past graduating age before I had my oldest child. Both of those things under a person's belt where I'm from can lead to Canonization. I know. I'm patting myself on the back, too.

I have friends from all walks of life. Rich, poor, gay, straight, smart kids, losers, and unfortunately.... Democrats. I have four siblings. One of them is gay. "And she dislikes Democrats," you say? Oh, the irony! I don't hate Democrats, really. We just disagree on some stuff. But, yes.... It's safe to say that I am another straight girl hopelessly dedicated to the gay rights movement. I don't always like the Lefties, but I do hope that Mr. Obama can make some progress when it comes to equal rights if he sees another term. I'm Catholic. I have three kids outside of marriage. I live with my other half. Shame on me. I'm, also, a hypocrite if you couldn't tell. It's ok, though, because I'm willing to shout it from the rooftops.

I change my hair like I change my underwear. I'm a princess and a tomboy all rolled into one. I'm kind of vain, but on the same hand.... I'd give up everything for my babies. I'm terrified that I'll love one of my children more than the other. I'm sure all mothers experience this. I just wonder how three precious people can have all of my heart, but a third of it at the same time. I can spend money like it's no one's business. If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd probably be broke in six months. I give too easily without question. I'd loan a known thief hundreds of dollars and then be royally pissed off in a year that they never paid up like promised. I care too much. I'm a cynic, but at the same time.... I try to believe that everyone has good in them. This will probably lead to many a problem when I finish my degree. A psychologist that hates everyone, but tries to believe people are all good deep down inside.... Yeah....

I'm musically inclined and challenged all at the same time. I'm the kind of person that "loves this song" every time a new one comes on. I love Neil Diamond and Spice Girls and The Beatles and Metallica and Elton John and AWOLNATION and about every other band.... Except Rage Against the Machine.... I fucking hate them. And Hanson. I pretend like I can play the guitar. Honestly, I can play about the first thirty seconds of "Nothing Else Matters" and that's about it. I like to sing when nobody's listening. I've been caught a couple times. Apparently, I'm pretty alright. I write. A lot. Poems, short stories, lyrics.... I don't let anyone read them. I'm hoping that doing a blog will help me get over the fear I have of people reading my stuff. Maybe one day I'll get the courage to publish something.... But in reality, I'm pretty sure my kids are gonna find heaps and heaps of notebooks when I die and wonder why I never let anyone read them.

I know way too many useless facts. Seriously, most of what I know is dumb stuff that will never be useful. I'm really shy, but I force myself not to be. A lot of times that leads me to become a "babbler." I used to be a huge party girl, but I can now count on one hand how many times I've gone out drinking after turning 21.

I don't know what else to say, really. I'm sure there's more to me, but this is all I can come up with. I'm not entirely too interesting, but I like who I am. I love my family, friends, and all that comes with them. We're kinda.... Odd. But we put the "fun" in dysfunction. I wouldn't have it any other way.

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